1940 - Broad band carrier systems allows simultaneous calls over a single pair of wires. |
Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The United States enter World War II on Dec 7, 1941. |
Japanese immigrants and their descendants in the US were sent to internment camps. |
Adolf Hitler systematically eliminated artists whose ideals didn't agree with his own |
The Zoot Suit was the height of fashion among daring young men. |
Rationing of food supplies began in 1943, we all had little ration books |
D-Day was June 6, 1944, the beginning of a hard battle. |
V-E Day was on May 8, 1945 |
Japan surrendered after two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. |
World War II officially ends on September 2, 1945. |
The US implemented the Marshall Plan, helping war-torn countries to rebuild. |
United Nations was established in 1945. |
Alger Hiss, a former hero of the New Deal, was indicted as a traitor. |
The House Un-American Activities Committee began its infamous hearings. |
Returning GI's created the baby boom. Are you a babyboomer? |
GI Bill of Rights was created to entitled returning soldiers to a college education, 1949 |
In 1947, commercial television with 13 stations became available to the public. |
1945 Digital computer, named ENIAC, weighing 30 tons and stood two stories high. |
Big Bands dominated popular music. |
Famous bands were Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman |
Bing Crosby's smooth voice made him one of the most popular singers. |
Frank Sinatra. Dinah Shore, Kate Smith and Perry Como led the hit parade. |
Arthur Godfrey was a popular radio host. |
Many of the most popular radio shows continued on in television. |
TV stars included Red Skelton, Abbott and Costello, Jack Benny, and Bob Hope |
Gary Cooper was shooting the bad guys and cleaning up the towns. |
Judy Garland was singing her little heart out, somewhere over a rainbow. |
Betty Grable was in the thoughts of a lot of men. |
Cary Grant was making the women swoon with his movies. |
Rita Hayworth was in more lockers than you can imagine. |
Jimmy Stewart gave some of his greatest movie performances for our enjoyment. |
John Wayne was busy making lots of war movies. |
Gene Autry was riding the range as a singing cowboy. |
Benny Goodman was leading his bands and playing his clarinet. |
Albert Einstein became a U. S. citizen 194 |
The Jeep was designed in 1940 |
Nickel juke boxes appeared in many public places. |
Dr. Benjamin Spock published 'Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care". |
In popular dancing, the Jitterbug made its appearance at the beginning of the decade. |
Rosie the Riveter was the symbol of the working woman, as the men went off to war. |
Frozen dinners came on the scene, later to be known as TV Dinners. |
The Slinky was invented by a ship inspector in 1945. |
Seventeen magazine was established in 1944. |
The Office of War declared movies an essential industry for morale and propaganda. |
The first nuclear weapon is built and tested in 1945. |
First cruise missile, the V-1 flying bomb, was invented in 1942. |
The first ballistic missile, the V-2 rocket was invented in 1942. |
The Bikini was unveiled in Paris in 1946 by engineer Louis Reard. |
Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier in the Bell X-1 rocket-powered aircraft in 1947. |
The beginning of the Cold War started in 1946. |
The Berlin blockade was in 1948. |
The Frisbee was invented in 1948 by Walter Morris |
Be-Bop and Rhythm and Blues, grew out of the big bands toward the end of the decade. |
The Chinese Civil War ends in victory for the Communists in 1949. |
NATO was founded in 1949 |